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Conservation Commission Minutes09/21/05
Date:           September 21, 2005
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair Ginie Page, Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Cyndi Moe, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, and Paul Banner, and Ed Reynolds

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, David Flaherty, Assistant Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:03 P.M. by Co-Chair John DiBlasio  

Business Meeting:

John Riehl of the Natural Resource Advisory Board, stated the draft report  of the Executive Summary of the Harbor Management Plan  was distributed (copy also on WEB and at the Library).  They are looking for comments and he reported the next meeting is scheduled for October 17 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall.

Moe asked if a Jurisdictional Opinion needs to come before the Commission on tree cutting on Anawan Road.  There are safety issues involved with electrical wires and roots going into the road.  David Flaherty stated when it is an emergency, it would not be necessary.  

Dolan reported Beach Clean up at Newcomb Hollow would take place on Sept. 24, 2005.  

Wesley Swamp – DPW stated the pumping has to continue.  Mark Vincent will go with Agent Greenberg for a site visit.  Greenberg will ask for a diagram of the pump and its outlets.  The Commission will place a stake in the area to monitor the water level and make site visits the first Wed. of each month (on their regular site visits).  Greenberg will ask John Portnoy to set up protocol for observing the water level.  

There are water tanks located within 100 feet of the wetlands at the sand pit.  Tom Ferreira  of the Fire Department will have discussion with Agent Greenberg.  

Jurisdictional Opinion:

Al Serbello, Map 40, Parcel 52, (Lt. Island) requested vista pruning which will include cutting limbs and maintenance.  Flaherty will flag the 50 and 100 foot buffer zones and trees.  Dottie Dolan moved to grant the JO; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0.   

Discussion took place regarding the lack of regulations for the flood zone and ACEC.   Models from other areas will be reviewed and the Commission and the Agents will work towards setting some guidelines and potential regulations.

The Herring River MOU was signed.  Abby Franklin will be a part of the Technical Committee.  There will be a meeting on October 12 at 2:30 pm at the COA.

Agent Greenberg stated the Gilmore’s have an active building permit, and they requested an extension on their septic permit.  

Agent Greenberg requested the Commission make a list of all action items which require her attention.  

Ginie Page reported the work being done on the roadway and parking areas at Cahoon Hollow and White Crest are cutting into the dunes.  Agent Greenberg was requested to draft a letter to the DPW with the Commission’s concerns, copying Rex Peterson, Board of Selectmen and Tim Smith.  The Commission would also like to see drainage plans for the roads.  It was noticed sand was being pushed into the wetlands near the town transfer station.  

To date, there is no pre-disaster plan for the Black Fish Creek area on Route 6.  

The 3rd Annual State of the Harbor conference will be held on November 5, 2005 from 8:30 to
1:30 pm at the COA.  Topics will include the shoreline changes, water quality, QPX and red tide, etc.
Ginie Page moved to have the Conservation Commission sponsor / support the conference; seconded by Dottie Dolan, passed 7-0.

Agent Greenberg reported estuary water monitoring was performed all summer and is complete.

Abby Franklin stated she checks the harbor boat ramp each week and the project is going according to plans and all conditions are being met.

Paul Banner reported that the establishment of a Natural Resource Department be suggested as the liaison for the different departments such as Shell fishing, Harbor, Health and Conservation, etc.  

John DiBlasio asked if there were any new developments on the Goss subdivision.  Agent Greenberg stated the buildings would be outside of the flood zone and built on higher elevations.

If Audrey Danforth’s plans get approved by the ZBA, she will have to come back before the Commissioners with the new plans.

Public Hearings:

5:00    Chequessett Yacht and Country Club, 675 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 115:  NOI:  Shorefront Stabilization.  Peter Markunas of Coastal Engineering distributed photographs of the erosion taking place at the site.  He suggested placing toe stones at the foot of the existing bank.  A tarp apron would be placed over the rocks which would allow water to recede.  He stated the original structure was erected prior to 1978.   They would incorporate stone at the ramp area, and to mitigate the loss of sediment, they would replace it with approximately 65 cubic yards of sand on an annual basis.  Franklin questioned what impact this could have on the shell fishing grants.  Markunas stated if good materials are utilized, it should not have any effect on the grants.  Mike Parlante, a grant holder, stated he is against revetments because they destroy the beaches and produced photographs of the shoreline prior to the placement of revetments.  John Riehl, speaking as a private citizen, agreed with Parlante stating they accelerate erosion.  

Banner questioned if soft solutions such as double fencing and renourishment would work better.  Parlante recommended having Barnstable County perform dredging and place sand where needed.  Markunas stated there has to be a Harbor Management plan with the ACEC to get a permit.  Barbara Boone of CYCC stated they are losing the parking lot and trees due to the erosion.  Parlante described a recommended renourishment program, stating it would create more land.  Agent Greenberg stated we should add a clause in the conditions of revetments to have renourishment performed.  Moe suggested utilizing fiber rolls and renourish when needed.  Markunas stated CYCC did not want to have to keep renourishing on a regular basis.  A letter from Mark Rheault supported the revetment for CYCC.  A letter from Cameron Sanders supported the revetment as well.  

Franklin questioned on what property would erosion occur next if the wall was constructed.  Markunas stated that with an overwash wall the energy of the waves would be transferred over the wall, not laterally to neighboring properties.  Franklin questioned if erosion on the CYCC property could be lessened with modifications to neighboring walls.  Makunas stated that there were no possible modifications.  Franklin asked the Commission if any property owners in Wellfleet had pursued legal action concerning erosion on their property caused by shoreline structures.  Franklin stated that one option would be for the CYCC to pursue legal action to compel neighboring property owners to nourish their rock walls with sand.  

There was further discussion regarding the abutters revetments, and if they were to renourish and utilize fencing, would it help the CYCC beach front.  It was recommended the agents contact CZM and discuss the alternatives available for the beach erosion occurring at CYCC.  Paul Banner moved to continue to October 5, 2005; seconded by Ginie Page, passed 6-0.       

5:48   Harborside Village Coop Corp, NOI, Harbor Lights Circle & Weatherly Ave, Map 20, Parcel 19:  Replace up to 20 trailers (cont’d from 09/21/05)  Liz Stansell, manager of Harborside Village Coop Corp, stated a ballot was taken with owners and they object to double wide trailers being placed in the area; therefore it will be an 840 square foot reduction in coverage.  Agent Greenberg stated she wants to see a proposal of all owners’ future plans for expansion or changes such as decks, sunrooms, additions, etc. as this is considered one lot and one owner (the Coop).  The Commission cannot

accept applications from individuals in the Coop.  Ms. Stansell stated she could not project what people will want in the future and feels she needs a regulatory input to advise people what they can and cannot do.  Franklin stated she feels it is up to Harborside Village to determine fairness in distributing lot coverage.  Dottie Dolan moved to continue to October 5, 2005; seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0.  

6:04     Ragovin & Polonsky, NOI, 90 Anawan Rd., Map 29, Parcel 482:  Construct residential driveway on and within buffer zone.  (Cont’d from 09/07/05)  Richard Lay of Slade Associates represented the applicants.  A DEP number was assigned (SE77-1083).  He stated the proposed driveway’s location is at the request of the applicant because of the remodeling to the dwelling.   They want to make a garden where the existing parking area is. He stated Natural Heritage responded noting it is within the habitat of the diamond terrapin.  The driveway is within 45 feet of the 100 foot buffer zone.  DiBlasio stated there will be too much disturbance in the 50 foot buffer zone.  Agent Greenberg suggested the applicant use the existing driveway and add drainage.  She also requested plans for the proposed addition.  Franklin moved to continue to October 19, 2005; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 7-0.

6:20  Davis, NOI, 1619 State Highway, Map 30, Parcel 92:  Addition to existing dwelling within buffer zone. (Cont’d from 09/07/05).  David Lajoie of Felco, Inc. represented the applicant.  The revised plans show a reduction in the size of the deck.  Natural Heritage stated there will be no adverse affects.  Franklin moved to approve the NOI; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 7-0 with conditions.  Abby Franklin is the supervisor.

6:30  Brash, C of C, 135 Nauhaught Bluffs Rd, Map 21, Parcel 9  Chet Lay requested a continuation.  Cyndi Moe moved to continue to October 5, 2005; seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 7-0.

6:31  Glaze, 625 Old Wharf Road, Map 35, Parcel 14, NOOI:  Renourish beach, repair existing erosion control.  Mr. Glaze explained he erected posts with fabric to renourish the beach in the past.  The inside row is still intact.  He is requesting to put fabric on the outside row and add beach grass.
The posts and fabric are buried in the sand.  He will get the fill from E-Z Doze It, using the same size grain.  Mr. Glaze had not received a number from DEP or a response from Natural Heritage.  Dottie Dolan moved to continue indefinitely, awaiting the response from DEP and Natural Heritage; seconded by Cyndi Moe; passed 7-0.

Ed Reynolds moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 pm; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 7-0.
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary